
The latest news from the Biogeoscience  research group at ETH Zurich.

Symposium: Status of the Swiss Carbon Cycle

New Bachelor's and Master's projects published. Apply now!

Congratulations to Melina Wertnik!

Congratulations to Fatemeh Ajallooeian!

Congratulations to Negar Haghipour!

Dr. Cindy De Jonge appointed as Assistant Professor

2nd GDGT Workshop in September


Career seed grant awarded to Dr. Julie Lattaud

Julie Lattaud sampling for Diols

The grant will finance the sampling and analysis of long-chain diols, compounds originating from microalgae, in Lake Geneva (in collaboration with platform external page LéXPLORE, EPFL). The aim is to unravel the links between compound-specific carbon and hydrogen isotopes and environmental variables such as precipitation and stratification of the lake.

Congratulations to Julie Lattaud for receiving a grant from the Swiss Polar Institute

The Polar Access Grant allows Julie to participate in a cruise going to the Beaufort Sea to investigate methane cycling

Melissa Schwab has successfully defended her doctoral thesis

Congratulations to Melissa Schwab for defending her doctoral thesis on radiocarbon constraints on carbon dynamics in river basins


Mineralogical control on the fate of continentally-derived organic matter in the ocean

Thomas Blattmann's study on how clay minerals control the export of terrestrial organic carbon was published in Science! Read more about his research here

Get access to the publication here

Julia Krawielicki has successfully defended her doctoral thesis

Julia on the day of her defense

Congratulations to Julia for defending her doctoral thesis on coupled climate, ecosystem and landscape development in the Afro-Mediterranean region since the Oligocene

Thomas Blattman has been awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

Congratulations to Thomas, whose work on "Topics on radiocarbon geochemistry and organic matter-mineral interactions" has been recognized as outstanding Doctoral Thesis

Mischa Haas has successfully defended his doctoral thesis

Congratulations to our affiliated student Mischa Haas for defending his doctoral thesis on the impact of early agriculture on soil degradation and lake systems.


MOSAIC - Modern Ocean Sediment Archive and Inventory of Carbon now online

Our MOSAIC database is now accesible though a user-friendly app which can be reached here within the ETH network, and external page here outside of the ETH network.

Thomas Blattmann has successfully defended his doctoral thesis

In course of his PhD Thomas investigated sedimentological processes in the South China Sea and Luzon River and developed a method for amino acid-specific carbon isotope analysis. Congratulations!

Julia Krawielicki has been elected new chair of the Gordon Research Seminar for Organic Geochemistry (September 2020)

The seminar is an event before the Gordon Conference giving young scientists on PhD and PostDoc level the chance to present and exchange new research in an open and informal atmosphere.

Two Doctoral Defenses in July

Congratulations to Gabriela Libanori and Mohammed Usman for successfully defending their doctoral theses in July! We wish both of them all the best for their future.

Blanca Ausin will set sail in 2020

Blanca Ausin has been selected to join the external page IODP Expedition 378 as organic geochemist. Congratulations!

Our research is in the news

Read more on how the Little Ice Age displaced the tropical rain belt.

New Fellow of the Royal Society

It has been announced in London on 1 May 2014 that Tim Eglinton has been elected a new Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS).
The main purpose of the Royal Society, the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, is to recognise, promote and support excellence in science and the use of science for the benefit of the humanity. Its Fellowship is the backbone of the Society. There are currently some 1450 Fellows and Foreign Members. They span all disciplines of Science, Engineering and Technology. Fellows and Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process on the basis of excellence in science.

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